This magical journey grounded us in the beauty and the rawness of the land and wildlife while we explored larger perspectives and ways of interacting with it. As we drove along the coast in the southern Cape, we discussed ‘what is consciousness’ and how does it weave into the fabric of this creation. Not your average bus ride, but then we’re not your average group of co-creators! From Monks to Sangomas, we explored non-traditional avenues of growth with various guides offering new perspectives of the “I”, the “IT” and the “WE”. At the end of our journey we were deeply moved by our visit to Masizame Street Children Project. Not only did we find great joy in the gift of being able to give the simple treasures we brought, we discovered children who were able to dance, sing and share themselves in the face of their own adversity. A humbling reminder of how we may not control our circumstances, but we always have a choice in terms of how we respond to life. This particular journey came to an end, but we realized we’re always at the edge of a new journey to new levels of mastery.
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There are so many ways to open the heart, to deepen one’s presence and to find reverence in the magic of co-creation. South Africa was our destination for developing ourselves as individuals in 2019. And this beautiful land and people did just that.
— “From Fear to Joy” Community Building and Learning Event
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