Who we are

Changes in the economic environment and the workplace have affected the structure of various organizations resulting often in downsizing and the increasing of emotional and psychological demands on employees. Employees are expected to work more hours, take more responsibility, be more flexible and be ready to navigate constant change leading often to increased stress, health problems, and work-family conflict. My great passion is helping individuals to find the strength and the tools required to adapt and thrive in the continuously evolving business environment, achieving excellence at work and well-being in their personal lives.

I have always been fascinated by people and why they do what they do. I earned my undergraduate degree in Psychology from the City University of New York, and my graduate degree in Organizational Behavior from the City University of London. My first job after graduate school was to assist researchers at the Organizational Behavior Lab at Queens College in New York, where I became familiar with research design, methods and analysis in the context of studying the impact of employee attitudes and behaviors on organizational performance.

Prior joining Co Creation Partners, I worked at CNP Cyprialife where I supported the actuarial management team in implementing research strategies for product development and fine-tuning new product plans, organizing and running agent training, managing employees and employee relationships, performance appraisals, designing development plans, and designing reward systems. That is when I realized that traditional change methodologies that rely on compliance, (assuming a lack of motivation or skills on the part of the employee) to create behavior/culture change does not always bring the desired results. I came to the conclusion that employees cannot be forced to “change”. Given my background in research, I started looking into mindsets and personality traits and how they influenced engagement in the workplace. I found out that engagement in the workplace is just the tip of the iceberg that we see, under the waterline are mindsets that were created through life experiences from birth to adulthood. To create meaningful changes in engagement, one needed to understand and work with what lay below the surface.

Upon my return to the US, I was introduced to Co Creation Partners. The firm’s approach to transformation was entirely consistent with what I had learnt in my own prior experiments of what worked and I grabbed the opportunity to join the team. I find great joy in the many hats that I am wearing at Co-Creation, ensuring that all operational aspects of our client engagements work seamlessly, as well as facilitating transformative workshop experienses for our clients.

In my spare time, I enjoy road cycling, going to the gym, restoring vintage motorcycles, making furniture, and traveling. I draw all my strength from my family and friends.